A Practical Guide to GenAI Solutions for Legal Teams

Discover how General Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) can revolutionize legal operations with actionable insights and best practices in our latest eBook, “A Practical Guide to GenAI Solutions for Legal Teams.”

Is your team ready to utilize GenAI to drive productivity and reclaim more time? 

Our guide delivers actionable insights into how legal teams can start or accelerate their GenAI journey with both tactical and strategic insights. 

According to PwC, AI is the Industrial Revolution of knowledge work and is set to transform how all workers can apply information, create content, and deliver results at speed and scale. The same study notes that employers in the UK are willing to pay a 27% premium for lawyers equipped with AI skills, and in the US, this number increases to 49%.1 

Download this complimentary guide and uncover your next step: 
  • Get a breakdown of three different options for leveraging GenAI in your legal department 
  • Each section includes tips, data, and recommended steps to guide your journey 
  • Get a look into the future: GenAI embedded into legal workflows across the organization 

Exclusive Insights for Legal Teams 

Whether you are leading your GenAI initiatives or are part of the legal team—this guide will provide you with a framework for the various options in the market and how they can best enable you and your team. 

Don’t get left behind in the AI revolution. Download “A Practical Guide to GenAI Solutions for Legal Teams” today and take the first step towards a more efficient, and scalable legal operation. 

  1. 2024. AI Jobs Barometer Report. PwC.  
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