Legal Tech Blog
Artificial Intelligence in LegalTech – Beware the Mechanical Turk
Legal is transforming by using artificial intelligence and legal tech, but mechanical turks can get in the way. Here’s how to avoid them.
Top 8 Legal Tech Trends of 2019
Top 8 legal tech trends of 2019! With the start of a new decade, let’s look back on these important topics in the legal technology industry.
Will Simplified Contracts Catch On?
Complex language in contracts doesn’t always have to be the only format. Will simplified contracts catch on?
AI vs Deep Learning In Contract Management
Artificial intelligence and deep learning ML seem to speak to the same concept, but they are different, especially in contract management.
First Step: Your Contract Repository
A major step forward in reducing risk for your team is to set up a single contract repository for all agreement related records.
How Artificial Intelligence Is Improving The Contract Management Process
A challenge organizations face is huge volumes of contracts, without the help of technology. Here is how AI improves contract management.
Post-Contract Phase of Legal Agreements
The final stage of the contract management phases is the post contract phase. Here’s how contract management software can help.
Does Today’s General Counsel Need CLM Technology?
Today’s general counsel need CLM technology to keep up with thousands of contracts, all of the activities hitting corporate legal departments.
Contract Development & Contract Award Phase
Part two in our series of the contract management phases! Find out the process behind contract development and contract award phase.