Legal Tech Blog
Recap: 2019 ACC Annual Meeting
ContractPodAi attended the 2019 ACC Annual Meeting in Pheonix, Arizona. Read more about the event, topics of discussion, and see photos.
Relational Contracts: Step Back or Focus Forward?
Relational contracts focus on building positive relationships between parties and enterprises. Is this considered taking a step back?
Debrief: FT Intelligent Business Forum & Research
ContractPodAi attended the FT Intelligent Business Forum & Research event 2019 in New York. Read all about our experience!
5 Contract Manager Challenges
The role of contract manager is undervalued, but they’re crucial for a companies success. Here are 5 contract manager challenges they face.
IBM Think 2019 – London
ContractPodAi attended the IBM Think 2019 Conference in London to discuss the hottest topics in technology. Read all about the event here.
Contract Automation Software: Taking the Leap
Contract automation software is starting to gain traction, but it is still in the early stages. We can help you get it right the first time.
4 Core Reasons You Need an End-to-End CLM
Having an end-to-end CLM solution is important and beneficial to your business. Here are 4 reasons why your legal team can benefit.
Digital Transformation, Diversity, and Corporate Law: A Q&A by Deirdre Leone
An interesting view from Deirdre Leone on diversity in legal, digital transformation and women advancing in the corporate world.
Machine Learning and Deep Learning – What’s the Difference?
Deep learning vs machine learning are two subsets of AI. But there is a lot more to understanding the difference between these realms.