Legal Tech Blog
Contract Data & Analytics
What Exactly is Contract Analytics
How can modern contract analytics help your company better use resources & manage risk? Find out why the old way is just no longer feasible.
September 12, 2019
Advanced Reporting & Visual Analytics
Fun with Contract Management – Really?
Having fun with contract management is not something you may have thought is possible. But it may actually make good business sense.
September 10, 2019
Legal Analysis & Discovery
SaaS in Legal Technology: What are My Options?
Today, SaaS is widely used, and recognized as a standard software deployment method for large and enterprise-scale technology.
September 5, 2019
Advanced Reporting & Visual Analytics
The Future of Contract Management Technology
Sarvarth Misra shares how people have made a greater impact on the technology developed for contract management, than the other way around.
September 3, 2019