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Rise of the Legal Platform

Learn to redefine how to execute tasks for legal departments and deliver true value to the entire enterprise with our latest whitepaper


Today, only a quarter of chief legal officers (CLOs) are “very confident” about their department’s ability to effectively respond to various types of risks, according to the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). As a result, 42% plan to adopt and implement legal technology over the next year, to improve their departments’ efficiency and effectiveness.Rise of the Legal Platform

Today, the most holistic technology solution addressing legal management is a legal platform. Such systems leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to remove the inefficiency and risk that comes with manual work and provide unique insights into all processes, data, and workflows. When deployed properly, then, legal platforms create a foundation for legal digital transformation and automation — across the organization. They help bring about evolution within legal and other departments — now and into the future.

Understanding Legal Platforms

Our latest paper, “Rise of the Legal Platform,” serves as a helpful guide — whether you are considering setting up or simply changing your legal management process and system. A unified legal platform, in particular, improves the capabilities of corporate counsels, legal operations professionals, and other functions. With a single legal management solution, they have complete visibility and control over all legal documents and processes.

In “Rise of the Legal Platform,” you will read about:

  • The in-house legal landscape, including the typical digital transformation journey
  • The foundation of AI-powered capabilities underpinning the best legal platforms
  • The ultimate value that unified systems offer legal and other departments

Starting Your Legal Digital Transformation Journey

Of the 42% of CLOs planning to employ new legal tech over the next 12 months, the ACC says that 67% aim to invest in contract management technology. But by moving toward one legal platform, they can address multiple use cases — well beyond contracting. They can have a bigger impact on organizational productivity and effectiveness, as well as corporate legal and compliance objectives.

So, learn to redefine how to execute tasks for legal and other departments. Find out how to deliver true value to the entire enterprise.

Get your copy of our latest paper today!




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