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Spend Matters 2020 Contract Management Technology Review

Read Spend Matters' review of ContractPodAi's Contract Lifecycle Management system, and find out the strengths and differentiators Spend Matters found.
Spend Matters - Legal Technology Review of ContractPodAi


There is a rapidly evolving subsector thanks to the overlap between legal technology and AI-based contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions. Using trusted technologies – like IBM Watson and Microsoft Azure – ContractPodAi is a leading vendor in the emerging CLM space. It supports the legal function, while extending the value proposition across the entire business. But how does ContractPodAi’s legal-first, “AI-via-partnership” approach compare to the “grow-your-own” approach to automated contract management processes? Spend Matters is the world’s largest independent information source for procurement and supply chain professionals. It helps CPOs, consultants, and technology  solution providers make better decisions around procurement. In its latest contract management technology review, Spend Matters breaks down what makes ContractPodAi’s AI-powered CLM software stick out to legal departments:
  • Document and information management (via a cloud-based central repository)
  • Contract process management (via a basic template library)
  • Third-party contract risk and compliance
  • Obligation extraction
  • Cognitive discovery search
  • Full document translation
  • Dashboard and analytics
  • Contract data analyst chatbot
In addition, Spend Matters outlines ContractPodAi’s unique strengths:
  • Obligation modelling and reporting
  • Focused AI use cases
  • Vendor negotiation portal
  • Legal digital transformation services
Ultimately, Spend Matters concludes that ContractPodAi meets the core CLM requirements for managing contracts and reducing risk. All this, while offering customers unrivaled, ongoing support. Download Spend Matters’ latest contract management technology review report today. And see how ContractPodAi differentiates itself among the new generation of CLM solutions – without reinventing the contract management wheel.

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